
Real People, Real Life.

At Faithbridge, we seek to be an authentic community in vibrant pursuit of the abundant life found in Jesus Christ. We are stronger and more focused than ever on our mission to make more and stronger disciples of Jesus Christ by being a bridge of faith to people every day.

Our Mission

We exist to make more and stronger disciples of Jesus Christ who make more and stronger disciples of Jesus Christ.

Faithbridge is a vibrant church helping families, mending marriages, exalting Christ, and serving in practical ways within the church and throughout the community. More and more people, across all generations, are coming to worship, growing closer to God, and joining in fellowship with each other through small and large group Bible studies.

Faithbridge is stronger and more focused than ever on its mission to make more and stronger disciples of Jesus Christ by being a bridge of faith to people every day.

We are excited to meet you and hope to get you connected.

7 Core Values of Faithbridge

As a church, we whole-heartedly pursue our 7 Core Values while carrying out our mission to make more and stronger disciples of Jesus Christ.

1. Fervent PRAYER

Realizing that apart from God we can do nothing.

Demonstrated by…seeking God before deciding ourselves, asking for His guidance, and depending on His power to accomplish the tasks He sets before us. (John 15:5, 16:13; Jeremiah 33:3; 1 Thessalonians 5:17)

2. Ministry EXCELLENCE

Giving our best to honor God and inspire people.

Demonstrated by…wise preparation, committed service, joyful creativity, and diligent perseverance. (Colossians 3:23)


Working to protect the unity that Christ sought for His followers.

Demonstrated by…valuing one another, protecting reputations, and destroying gossip. (John 17:20-23; Proverbs 16:28; James 1:26)

4. Generational RELEVANCE

Making God real to people in their everyday lives.

Demonstrated by…being creative and intentional in reaching every child, student and adult with God’s truth. (Psalm 78:4-6; Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Timothy 3:15)

5. AUTHENTIC Leadership

Exercising godly influence to advance the Kingdom of God.

Demonstrated by…consistent cultivation of personal leadership skills, and a commitment to developing new leaders. (Romans 12:8; Jeremiah 3:15; 1 Peter 5:3)

6. Life-Changing COMMUNITY

Becoming more like Christ through close relationships.

Demonstrated by…sharing life together with honesty, selflessness, and transparency.

7. GENEROUS Living

Believing all we have has been entrusted to us by God.

Demonstrated by…a lifestyle of biblical stewardship through joyfully giving the best of our time, talents and treasures to the Kingdom of God. (2 Corinthians 9:6-7; Matthew 6:21)

Being a bridge of faith to people every day.

We envision a church that shines brightly with the transforming light of Jesus Christ into a world of darkness, where non-churched, once churched, and badly churched people of Northwest Houston find their lifeless souls resurrected to abundant life in Christ. We dream of a church where people leave powerful worship services shaking their heads in wonder at the nearness they felt there to God. We see a church that raises up children, youth, and adults into growing disciples who meet in authentic small groups throughout the community for encouraging fellowship and who, in turn, mentor and develop new generations of fully devoted followers of Christ. We dream of a church where all people use the gifts and talents God has given them, in order that the entire church may function like a well-oiled machine or a well-tuned orchestra, with everyone contributing his or her part to the beauty of the whole. We yearn for a church that replicates the original biblical church described in Acts, where no one sits on the sideline as a non-contributing spectator, and where no one has to compensate for the pew-warmers by doing too many ministries and burning out.

We envision a church where those who have preaching gifts do the preaching, and where those having teaching gifts do the teaching. Where those with shepherding gifts do the shepherding, and where those with hospitality gifts warm things up. Where those with compassion and mercy gifts offer compassion and mercy; where administrators administrate, leaders lead, and where all the other spiritual gifts mentioned in Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, and 1 Peter 4 are utilized effectively. We dream of a church that refuses to be ingrown or self-focused but instead channels its redemptive power into the world through compassionate acts of service—showing God’s love to others by its involvement with local, national, and world missions, as well as planting new churches. We envision a church so full of love and amazed by grace that people cannot constrain themselves from sharing generously of their resources and material possessions with those in need. We dream of a church that stands firmly on the foundation of God’s Word as contained in the Bible, depends on prayer and fasting as its source of power, and looks to the Holy Spirit as central to all its activity—filling, guiding, and empowering our lives.

Ken Werlein, 1998